
of the ancient roman capital, built more than  2000  years ago.  Situated between  Italy and Spain Narbonne is a crucial step on the via Domitia (old roman road restored in-place). It boasts one of the most beautiful  gothic cathedral of the southern France. This city is also known for its big wine producing estates and  its famous French singer Charles Trenet who sang "Douce France...", "La mer..."

Departure  9h

Morning: Walk in the old roman city: canal de la roubine, place de la via Domitia (ancient  roman open air vestige), the archbishop's palace (panorama from the top of the tower), l'Horreum (underground roman tunnels).

Midday: possibility to eat specialities of the city such as  la bourride d'anguille and les croquettes au miel (menu à 15 euro) in the restaurant .

early in the afternoon: visit of the archeological museum of the city. breathtaking collection of 
roman objects and  reconstructions. Visit of the St Juste cathedral , built on an ancient  roman  temple and a muslin mosque of the 8th century.

late in the afternoon: taste of Carthagène de Narbonne (sweet natural wine) and  berlingots (candies). musical animation about the French singer  Charles Trenet.
Return 7 pm

PRICE (Adult )